Friday, October 3, 2008

What The New Bailout Bill Won't Fix

If Monday’s rejection of the president’s bailout bill means one thing, this is it: You must take action to protect yourself from the next 777-point collapse because it’s abundantly clear that Congress won’t. Today’s 300-point decline that comes on the back of the Senate’s new bill proves what I mean.

Congress’s bungling of the bailout bill out has me shaking in my boots. But not because of another impending disaster. I’m shaking because the no vote and today’s sell-off isn’t the end of the line for America—it’s actually the beginning of a better deal for taxpayers and investors.

Hard to believe? You bet. But not when you see what will happen when a new and improved bailout bill passes. As you’ll see…

The market will reverse its 777-point decline as the U.S. financial markets—and the whole world—sighs a breath of relief. Just look at how the market jumped 450-points higher on Tuesday hopes a new improved plan is in the works!

Mark my words—the same thing will happen again Monday when Congress votes to approve compromise legislation on Friday! The chain reaction will result in more stable and responsible financial .

What’s more, the strong companies will get stronger. You needn’t take my word. Just look at Bank of America’s takeover of Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan’s takeover of Washington Mutual and Citibank’s take over of Wachovia, and you’ll see what’s headed your way.

MOST IMPORTANT: Cash will be king on Wall Street again as banks no longer pass out credit like pancakes at a fireman’s picnic. Despite what the Feds want you to believe, the NEW and IMPROVED bailout bill that’s ultimately passed will not only make credit tougher for individuals to get, but also tougher for businesses, as well.

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